Breaking Free from the Shackles of the Colonial Narrative
Since the beginning of colonialism marked by its systematic military invasion and relentless capitalist plunder, campaigns have been organized to impose total domination over the whole world.
With calculated precision, colonialism was accompanied by propaganda, meticulously organized to manipulate political consciousness and temper discourses to appear less “hostile” toward the prevailing system.
Following repeated defeats and the withdrawal of colonial armies, neocolonialism emerged as an alternative to direct force in the colonies. Leveraging media, technology, political agreements, laws, and the globalization of markets and culture, imperialist powers sought to extend their dominance worldwide. The narrative of peace and democracy was strategically unified, tailored to fit the conditions of this system.
Colonization strategically infiltrated the Global South via international bodies that purported neutrality. However, its intentions were consistently unmasked by the Palestinian struggle.
Over the decades, dealing with the Zionist entity became an unwavering reality, and any act of resistance against it was swiftly condemned. This encompassed the formation of an anti-colonial narrative.
Colonial narratives: Condemning resistance
As colonialism actively worked to depoliticize human rights and women’s rights discourses, transforming political contexts into disputes over “democracy.” Revolutionary speeches were increasingly banned, and spaces for libertarian discourse were curtailed.
The depoliticization of movements and discourses aimed at social and political change isolated them from popular bases, hindered direct confrontation with colonizers, and drew attention away from their plans to maintain control.
This had catastrophic consequences, normalizing the Zionist entity and framing the narrative of innocent civilians facing “Palestinian terrorism.”
Gradually, the presence of colonialism morphed into an unquestioned privilege, forcefully extending its influence even among Arabic-speaking communities. It strategically positioned itself in international arenas, ostensibly promoting coexistence and peace. Simultaneously, this maneuver tightened its grip on the discourse of resistance, stifling its voice and undermining its very existence.
Platforms of international media and organizations rushed to condemn the Palestinian resistance after October 7, unanimously stigmatizing the people as criminals for defending their land, attempting to free prisoners, and lifting the siege on Gaza.
At this critical juncture, the elaborate web of falsehoods that colonialism carefully wove to anesthetize entire populations has unraveled. In a moment when colonial powers were manipulating facts and deflecting attention from their own culpability, the foundations of colonialism began to crumble as it turned a blind eye to its own deceit and hypocrisy. A glaring example of this manipulation lies in the belief that an individual’s worth is elevated when positioned at the pinnacle of power and wealth.
This distortion is exemplified in the prioritization of Ukraine over the well-being of the majority of the Global South’s population. The blood of invading Zionists prompted an urgent call for intervention from America and Britain, wielding their military might, mercenaries, and media bias, which ruthlessly leans towards the destruction of Gaza and the oppression of the Palestinian people. Top of Form
Fear has dissipated
The fear of speaking the truth, fear of condemnation from the colonizer, and fear of exposing global hypocrisy and bias have all crumbled. Social media reverberates with voices denouncing the exploitation and brutality of international media, academic institutions, and human rights organizations.
Anyone from the dominant countries who declared that they cared about humanity, unless they were Palestinians, Arabs or Africans received wrath. The lie of condemning the resistance as terrorism has become disgusting, and provoking revolutionary outrage.
Fear has fallen, allowing free people to perceive the fragility and contradiction of the colonial narrative. The Occupation, caught in the trap of failure and defeat, resorts to poorly directed films in an attempt to justify the invasion and destruction of hospitals.
Today, the world acknowledges that genuine efforts for freedom and justice cannot stem from the very system that robbed them of these values. Colonized people have the full right to armed resistance and to defeat invaders by any means they deem necessary.
We have finally learned to trust that our narratives and voices are legitimate and true—capable of freeing us from the grip of colonialism, no matter how dominant it may appear.