Hayat Mirshad Summoned for Interrogation… A Battle of Snatching Freedoms…
In a new attempt to suppress journalists and silence them, The Cybercrime and Intellectual Property Protection…
Feminist Archiving in the Face of the Patriarchal System’s Suppression
Since the patriarchal system extended its power over societies, it has adopted multiple mechanisms to legitimize…
How Saudi Arabia Uses the Purple Washing Strategy?
As soon as we hear about new decisions about the conditions of women and girls in our region and the world, they…
Watered Down Feminism.. About Believing in Women, but With “Conditions”
Marginalization and persecution have always been the title of our lives as women, especially in the Arab region,…
Egyptian Mothers Naming and Registering their Children .. A Suspended Right!
The issue of registering a new born baby, or choosing a name for him/her, may seem very easy and intuitive!
The Hand of Law and Art .. Where Does It Turn When It Comes to “Honor” issues?
The lives of women and girls in our societies are under constant threat because of the so-called concept of…
Forced Sex Work in Lebanon .. Female Refugees Are the Majority
“No one forced her to do it."
“She could have had any other job.”
“She sold her honor.”
On Unspoken Violence at Home… Why Does Dar Al Iftaa Ignore the Controversy…
By Enas Kamal
“I hated myself so much that I completely lost my sexual desire because of him. One time, I!-->!-->!-->…
Postpartum Depression .. Where Are Women’s Rights to Psychological Support…
Almost a year ago, Mona (31 years old) went to the hospital early in the morning to undergo a cesarean section at…
Arab Rural Women in Vicious Cycle of Poverty, Marginalization and Social Fragility
Poverty, disease, early and forced marriage, unsafe transportation and rickety roads, lack of health coverage and…